AVA member companies and farmers are
committed to the welfare of the animals we raise.


AVA created the Guide for the Care and Production of Veal Calves in 1990. Since then, this document has evolved into the Veal Quality Assurance (VQA) program funded by the Beef Checkoff and managed by the Meat Institute. VQA is embraced by our membership as it provides a framework of high standards to ensure formula-fed veal calves raised in the U.S. receive excellent animal care and that those raising calves, in collaboration with licensed veterinarians and animal nutritionists, follow science-based best practices and regulatory requirements to prioritize animal welfare throughout the production system resulting in consistent, safe, quality veal.

The VQA program and certification process is science-based and is technically reviewed and updated every five years. Validation that expected outcomes are met for certification is provided by licensed veterinarians.

On our AVA member farms, we ensure animals are raised in areas that enable each calf to comfortably rest, easily stand, move about freely, turn around fully, and socialize with other animals. Additionally, veal calves are never tethered, never given hormone implants, castrated or dehorned. Antibiotic use is strictly regulated and used only as needed for the health and well-being of the animal and under the direction of a veterinarian.

To learn more about the Veal Quality Assurance program and access the resource manual visit:  https://www.veal.org/veal-quality-assurance/